In mid November 2021, a volunteer’s boyfriend saw a cat limping across a very busy street in North Philly. He pulled his car into traffic to ensure the cat could cross safely. He then reached out his girlfriend for help.
Meanwhile, the little cat safely crossed and curled up on the sidewalk while people walked by her.

She contacted another volunteer and he rushed over with a carrier to grab her. When he arrived still was still laying in the same spot but happily popped up and walked into the carrier.
Little Tammy Faye was brought right to our vet and they started diagnostics on her. Her bloodwork revealed that she was pretty anemic. She was also really emaciated, dehydrated and covered in fleas. They believe she’s around 8 months to one year old. X-rays revealed she had a broken pelvis that happened awhile ago! This poor girl was hopping along like this for god knows how long through the busy streets.
Tammy under went surgery to repair her pelvis after a few weeks of intense recovery to resolve the anemia and gain weight. She pulled through with flying colors. After about a month following the surgery, Tammy was back up and on her feet feeling so much better.

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