In the enchanting realm of feline royalty, we present to you the regal Belinda, affectionately known as Belly or Queen B. At a tender age of approximately 6 months, this sweet and demure beauty carries an air of sophistication that captures the hearts of all who cross her path. Initially shy, Belinda unveils her true charm with a quick embrace of warmth, revealing a heart eager to bask in the affection of a loving family.
Belinda dreams of a realm where patience and understanding reign supreme, as she adjusts to the comforts of her forever kingdom. In her ideal home, the presence of another feline companion is a must— a playmate to frolic with and share the kingdom’s adventures. Known for her weakness for Churu cat treats, she’ll gladly trade her majestic poise for a delectable bite. When not indulging in her favorite treats, Belinda can be found reveling in the delights of her hobbies—playfully engaging with toys, embarking on expeditions through her kingdom, and, of course, cuddling up with her loyal subjects.
This charming young monarch’s life goals are as simple as they are noble: never miss a nap. Are you ready to be part of Belinda’s kingdom, where joy, warmth, and the delightful rustle of her regal whiskers await you? The royal court eagerly awaits a new family to invite her into their hearts and homes.