Lights, camera, action! Enter the spotlight-stealing diva, Demi Moore. This feline starlet has already racked up several kitty accolades, thanks to her unforgettable performances in “Super Cuddly” and “The One and Only,” where she dazzles as the solo star both on and off the screen.
Demi’s career, though only 2 years young, is packed with charm and charisma. She’s a true prima donna who relishes the limelight and will only share her stage with a mellow kitty who promises not to upstage her. With a flair for the dramatic and a knack for snuggling, Demi is destined to become the leading lady of your heart, captivating you with every purr and headbutt.
Ready to welcome a superstar into your life? Miss Demi Moore is waiting for her next big role—as the cherished star of your home. While Demi would be happy to be your one and only, she wouldn’t mind sharing the stage with another kitty and has done well with other cats after a slow introduction.