Say hello to Howard, our newest foster kitty. He was rescued on mischief night from West Philly.
Trusting and friendly Howard used to hang around a convenience store, hoping for some food and attention. A group of teenagers grabbed him and threw him against the wall of the store and ran off, leaving him injured on the sidewalk.
As a result, Howard’s rear right leg was badly damaged, and it could not be saved, so it was amputated. A week after surgery, we noticed Howard was having some trouble breathing. It was found that he had a diaphragmatic hernia most likely from the trauma he sustained and his organs were pushed up into his chest making it hard for him to breath. He then had to have another surgery to repair the hernia.
Howard has recovered from his surgeries and has adjusted very well to life with three legs. He gets around like any other cat and having three legs doesn’t slow him down at all.
He’s friendly, affectionate, and has excellent litterbox habits. He has been neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped, and tested negative for FIV/FeLV. He was given a preventative flea treatment and dewormer, and now all he needs is a loving forever home. His age is estimated to be 3-5 years.
Howard has had a rough life and deserves a new beginning in a loving forever home.