Sgt. Pepper braved the harsh South Philly streets for over 4-years, tricking her many feeders, including her foster, into believing they were the only ones. As a matter of Facebook fate would have it, they all connected over the summer after she birthed her most recent litter. A plan was made, and a 6-month venture ensued. While still living outside, Sgt Pepper grew affectionate toward her foster’s indoor cat, who she started growing a relationship with through the foster’s ground floor apartment windows. After 6 months of avoiding traditional trapping, on Christmas Day, with the front door cracked open, Sgt Pepper strolled in after her new friend, and the rest is history. Sgt Pepper has a timid demeanor on the surface, but she is incredibly gentle, and when she opens up she becomes a total love bug. She kindly begs for all kinds of pets, and even rolls over for a good belly rub session! Her new owner will need to be patient while she adjusts to a new space, but with a little persistence and a lot of butt scratches, they will continue to help her blossom into a perfect pet. When she’s not sleeping, she enjoys playing with mouse-like toys, smothering her foster brother with love, and eating. Sgt Pepper double negative for fiv/felv, and may do well with another cat provided a slow and proper introductions.